EBA Request to Pay Survey

The European payments industry delivered the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Request-to-Pay Scheme in June 2021. As with previous initiatives aimed at strengthening and modernising the pan-European payments ecosystem, the Euro Banking Association (EBA) has been striving to support the awareness-building process and dialogue that are needed as a basis for a successful implementation of this new tool on the supply and demand side.

In a recent survey, the EBA, with the support of PPI, gathered input on request to pay from businesses across Europe. The survey tried to establish how businesses would like to use this new payment ecosystem tool, which pain points it should solve and which benefits it should deliver for their payment, accounting and other internal processes as well as for their customers.

The survey questionnaire covered request to pay use cases in the following areas:

  • Point of sale / interaction
  • Online commerce
  • Recurring payments
  • E-invoicing

The full report on the comprehensive findings of the EBA Request to Pay Survey is available for download

Request to pay - online sessions

In order to engage the supply and demand side in a dialogue on request to pay and related needs to be covered, the EBA hosted a series of dedicated digital events on the different use cases covered in its survey.

10 March 2022 – Request to pay: expanding the options at the point of sale/interaction (POS/POI). You can watch the recording of the session below and Download the session slide set here 


25 November 2021 - Request to pay: new opportunities in e-invoicing and recurring payments. You can watch the recording of the session below and download the session slide set here


20 October 2021 - Request to pay: will online commerce be the trailblazer? Download the session slide set here

What is next for the EBA on request to pay?

Going forward, the Association plans to launch a broader Request to Pay Round Table with key stakeholders.