
Press releases 2024

Euro Banking Association publishes paper on navigating the path to embedded finance

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today released a report on “Navigating the path to embedded finance”.

The report is based on research by the EBA’s Open Finance Working Group (OFWG), which aims to provide guidance for EBA members to understand the fundamental mechanisms of embedded finance, grasp the opportunities it provides, identify promising embedded finance use cases and shape their own journey towards embedded finance.

The key objectives of the report are to spark, structure and inform a discussion about how financial institutions will likely be affected by the embedded finance trend and what a collaborative approach in this area could look like.

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Euro Banking Association issues updated version 5.0 of the EBA Fraud Taxonomy capturing latest trends in payment fraud

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today issued version 5.0 of the EBA Fraud Taxonomy, which will take effect on 1 January 2025. The taxonomy offers a common pan-European vocabulary and categorisation approach to describe fraud scenarios related to all kinds of payments, including card transactions. It has been developed by the Association’s Expert Group on Payment Fraud-related Topics (EGPF) representing financial institutions from 15 European countries.

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Euro Banking Association publishes paper on identification of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

The Euro Banking Association published recommendations aimed at improving Know Your Customer (KYC) practices in the corporate-to-bank domain across Europe with regard to the identification and handling of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), their family members and close associates. The new publication by the EBA Expert Group on KYC-related Topics (KYCEG) titled “EBA CBCS – Identification of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) in the corporate-to-bank KYC process” is part of the Common Baseline Classification Standard recommendations series and available for download.

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Press releases 2023

EBA releases report on liquidity management considerations in today's high-interest rate environment

The Euro Banking Association’s (EBA) Liquidity Management Working Group (LMWG) today published its latest findings on recent developments in the liquidity management arena: Achieving liquidity efficiency in an “imperfect storm” considers how high inflation, rising interest rates and elevated geopolitical uncertainty are impacting the liquidity
management ecosystem, and provides guidance on how banks and corporates should respond.

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Open Banking for corporates: unlocking added value in transaction banking with APIs

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) released a new report providing insight into the financial needs of corporates. The report explores the role of transaction banks and how application programming interface (API) technology could provide a viable solution for handling real-time and on-demand access to data and enable the digitisation of workflows as well as the centralisation of operations.

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Euro Banking Association explores the impact of the digital euro on banks 

The report by the EBA Digital Currency & Smart Payments Working Group aims to help banks and other supervised intermediaries prepare their organisation for the potential introduction of the digital euro.  

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Euro Banking Association issues version 4.0 of the EBA Fraud Taxonomy updated to capture latest trends in payment fraud

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today issued version 4.0 of the EBA Fraud Taxonomy, which will take effect on 1 January 2024. The taxonomy equips fraud fighters with a standardised vocabulary and approach for harmonising the categories they use for the description of fraud types. It has been developed by the Association’s Expert Group on Payment Fraud-related Topics (EGPF) representing financial institutions from 15 European countries.

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IBAN-name checks can increase confidence in instant payments, but are not a universal solution

IBAN-name checks can help to increase the attractiveness of instant payments within the EU, notably by increasing trust in the new mode of payment. But in order to effectively combat attempts at fraud and to bring about greater acceptance of instant payments Europe-wide, they need to be supplemented by further measures. Any possible standardization should, at the same time, be open to solutions already established in individual countries and aim at efficient implementation. These are the findings from the study “IBAN-name check: Current developments and concepts” co-authored by Strategy&, PwC’s global strategy consulting business, together with Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian National Bank, OeNB), Deutsche Bundesbank, and the Euro Banking Association (EBA). 

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Euro Banking Association issues best practice recommendations towards harmonised KYC processes

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today released recommendations on data verification for corporate-to-bank KYC in low-risk situations. Issued as a follow-up on its EBA Common Baseline Classification Standard (CBCS) released in April 2022, this new publication proposes a harmonised approach to corporate data collection and verification in know-your-customer (KYC) processes.

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Press releases 2022

Euro Banking Association report explores use of real-time data in corporate liquidity management

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today released a report on the use of real-time data in corporate liquidity management based on research by the EBA Liquidity Management Working Group (LMWG).

The aim of this paper is to provide insight into how some companies already use real-time data in the liquidity management space, and where they could potentially benefit from real-time data access. In doing so, the LMWG aims to highlight and clarify the opportunities for banks in this space as well as likely constraints.

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Euro Banking Association makes EBA Fraud Taxonomy publicly available to provide pan-European framework for fraud combatting

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) announced today that it has made publicly available the EBA Fraud Taxonomy, a pan-European taxonomy for payment fraud types. The taxonomy has been developed by the Association’s Expert Group on Payment Fraud-related Topics to support collective and individual fraud combatting efforts in the European payments ecosystem.

The EBA Fraud Taxonomy provides a simplified and straightforward framework to describe fraud scenarios related to all kinds of payments, including card transactions. It helps banks and other payment service providers to harmonise the categories they use for the description of fraud types.

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Euro Banking Association report explores Open Banking for SMEs

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today released a report on the opportunities Open Banking provides for improving financial services offered to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). “Open Banking for SMEs – Enhancing financial services for the backbone of Europe’s economy” provides a comprehensive overview of the specific challenges facing the SME sector and how this diverse and heterogenous customer segment can be better served through tailored financial services and value-added offerings based on Open Banking.

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Euro Banking Association report takes a deep dive into new forms of digital money

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today released a report on current developments in digital money, such as Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and stablecoins. “CBDC, stablecoins and beyond: a deep dive into new forms of digital money” provides a comprehensive overview of these new forms of digital money and how banks can prepare themselves for their implementation and adoption. The report covers Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and privately issued stablecoins (either bank or third-party issued), both of which have become increasingly topical over the past year.

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For press information, please contact:

Annick Moes
Head of Communications
Phone: +49 151 16 31 15 26

Press releases 2021

Ready for digital – a bank operating model for digital and Open Banking readiness

The Euro Banking Association’s (EBA) Open Banking Working Group released a new report today that explores a reference operating model for banks on their way to digital readiness. The report covers both the implications of digital readiness at large, and the specific requirements for successfully initiating Open Banking on an operating model level. The research of the working group was enriched by the input of digital and Open Banking experts within the EBA member community, including digital leaders from 12 major European banks.

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Euro Banking Association report highlights where corporate experts see the value of request to pay

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) today released a report on the corporate perspective on request to pay. The report is based on the EBA Request to Pay Survey that ran between September 2020 and February 2021 and was delivered in cooperation with PPI and with the support of an expert group of bank practitioners. The EBA surveyed over 100 corporate experts from 20 countries and conducted additional one-on-one interviews to find out how businesses would like to use request to pay and where they see its value.

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Euro Banking Association welcomes first Premium Ecosystem Partners

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) announced today that seven of its existing Ecosystem Partners – ACI Worldwide (EMEA), Accenture, Fiserv, Mastercard, Microsoft UK, Montran Corporation and S.W.I.F.T. SC – have opted to be upgraded to the status of Premium Ecosystem Partners for 2021. The Premium Ecosystem Partner membership is a new membership category that the EBA has created to better respond to more comprehensive needs and interests of industry players with regard to the Association’s thought leadership, educational and networking activities.

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Press releases 2020

EBA and McKinsey issue joint white paper on future of banks in payments

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) and McKinsey & Company published a joint white paper on the future of banks in payments today at EBAday 2020. The paper seeks to prompt a constructive debate on the future of banks in European payments and to ultimately launch a call for action on industry change.

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SMART2 releases publications on fraud information field for instant payments and abuse potential of closed-loop cards

The SCT Inst Migration Action Round Table (SMART2), a forum facilitated by the Euro Banking Association (EBA), announced the release of two new publications on the detection and prevention of payment fraud. The paper on the fraud potential of gift cards seeks to raise awareness of the different abuse scenarios and help reduce fraud in the future. The recommendation note on the optional pan-European fraud information field for the SCT Inst Scheme explains why a field that allows to share contextual information about a payment transaction between the originator and beneficiary PSPs would be helpful and how it should be used.

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Now is the time for banks to reinforce their trust role in the digital economy, says new Euro Banking Association report

The EBA Open Banking Working Group (OBWG) released a new report that explores how digital transformation and increasing openness impact both trust in the financial sector and the trust relationship with customers. Offering recommendations on what financial institutions can do to build and leverage their trust advantage now, the working group identifies points of action in the age of digital transformation.

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Bank experts across Europe seek clarification on e-money definition and related fraud reporting requirements

Banks from nine EU countries have endorsed a note seeking clarification on the definition of e-money transactions and the related fraud reporting requirements issued by the European Banking Authority.

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Press releases 2019

From real-time treasury to smart payments – new reports by Euro Banking Association stress collaboration needs as financial ecosystems adapt to instant payments and digitalisation   

At its Global Seminar on “Real-Time Payments and Open Banking: New Realities, New Challenges” today, the Euro Banking Association (EBA) presented the latest research delivered by its working groups on liquidity management and on cryptotechnologies and smart payments.

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SMART2 issues recommendation note with best practices to support PSPs in detecting and combatting fraud

The SCT Inst Migration Action Round Table (SMART2) has published a recommendation note with best practices to support payment service providers (PSPs) in detecting and combatting fraud. The note was put together and endorsed by 15 account-servicing payment service providers (AS-PSPs) from 11 communities operating across SEPA.

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Jointly developed AI systems hold great potential for tackling common security issues says new Euro Banking Association report

While much industry focus is currently put on the use of AI at the level of individual institutions, this report zooms in on the collective benefits that could be generated by jointly developed AI systems in the era of open banking. Used for the analysis of data generated by open banking, such collaboratively created systems could unlock solutions for common security issues such as fraud prevention and cyber security. For example, AI could detect security threats across institutions and jurisdictional boundaries, thus improving the overall efficiency and resilience of the financial system at large.

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Euro Banking Association report explores how banks can harness technology to help improve the corporate liquidity management ecosystem

Technology already plays an important role on both sides of the liquidity management
ecosystem and corporate reliance on technology is likely to increase in the future across
the whole range of liquidity management tasks.

Against this background, the Euro Banking Association’s (EBA) Liquidity Management
Working Group explores how banks can harness technology to help improve the
corporate liquidity management ecosystem.

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European fraud experts call for consolidation of EBA and ECB fraud reporting requirements

The Euro Banking Association released a message to the press today announcing the latest recommendation note delivered through joint workshops of the PSD2 Practitioners’ Panel and the SCT Inst Migration Action Roundtable (SMART2), facilitated by the Euro Banking Association.

In the note, that has been endorsed by 18 AS-PSPs from 10 European countries, the members of the practitioners’ groups are calling for consolidation of the fraud reporting requirements by the European Banking Authority and the ECB.

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Press archive

SMART2 issues two guidance notes to help solve practical issues that PSPs are facing in the SCT Inst ramp-up phase

25 October 2018

The SCT Inst Migration Action Round Table (SMART2) has published two recommendation notes put together and endorsed by account-servicing payment service providers (AS-PSPs) operating across SEPA. The two notes are aimed to help remedy practical issues hampering the smooth handling of euro instant payments. The notes were published today at the Sibos conference in Sydney and are available for download on the website of the Euro Banking Association, which supports the SMART2 group.

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Read SMART note 1: Communication on PSP unavailability in the SCT Inst inter-PSP space

Read SMART note 2: How beneficiary PSPs should react to transaction hits in SCT Inst

Euro Banking Association explores how cryptotechnologies can help financial institutions improve regulatory compliance

23 October 2018

The use of cryptotechnologies such as distributed ledger technology (DLT) for RegTech holds considerable potential for improving regulatory compliance processes. In their latest report, presented today at the Sibos 2018 conference, the Euro Banking Association’s (EBA) Cryptotechnologies Working Group explores how cryptotechnology-based RegTech solutions could be particularly attractive for KYC data management and regulatory reporting.

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Read e-paper: Cryptotechnologies: Improving Regulatory Compliance

Euro Banking Association publication zooms in on the changing corporate liquidity management ecosystem

12 June 2018

Composed of experts from close to 20 multinational banks, the EBA’s Liquidity Management Working Group published today its first thought leadership paper on “Managing Corporate Liquidity and Bank Liabilities: The Changing Corporate Liquidity Management Ecosystem”.

Press release: Euro Banking Association publication zooms in on the changing corporate liquidity management ecosystem

Managing Corporate Liquidity and Bank Liabilities: The Changing Corporate Liquidity Management Ecosystem

Euro Banking Association covers B2B data sharing in its latest Open Banking research

12 June 2018

Following a range of publications on different Open Banking aspects, the EBA’s Open Banking Working Group (OBWG) published today its latest thought leadership paper on “B2B Data Sharing: digital consent management as a driver for data opportunities”.

Press release: Euro Banking Association covers B2B data sharing in its latest Open Banking research

B2B Data Sharing: digital consent management as a driver for data opportunities

New EBA publications look into PSD2 and DLT technology driven opportunities for new and enhanced customer propositions

17th October 2017

Both publications are based on in-depth reseach and expertise of the multi-national membership of the EBA working groups on Open Banking and Cryptotechnologies

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Euro Banking Association paper analyses cryptotechnologies in international payments

19th May 2017

The Euro Banking Association today issued a new information paper looking into potential benefits and use cases of cryptotechnologies in the context of international payments and more specifically correspondent banking practices.

Press Release: Euro Banking Association paper analyses cryptotechnologies in international payments

Cryptotechnologies in international payments

Euro Banking Association analysis focuses on Open Banking advancing customer centricity

12th April 2017

The EBA’s Open Banking Working Group today issued a new report analysing how Open Banking strategies may help financial service providers to take customer centricity to the next level.

Press Release: Euro Banking Association analysis focuses on Open Banking advancing customer centricity

Open Banking: advancing customer-centricity

EBA launches a PSD2 Practitioners’ Panel for account-servicing PSPs

16th November 2016

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) is launching a Practitioners’ Panel to foster an exchange among account-servicing PSPs on implementation activities for achieving PSD2 compliance.

Press Release: The Euro Banking Association launches a PSD2 Practitioners’ Panel for account-servicing PSPs

The Euro Banking Association launches an open forum on Open Banking

20th September 2016

The Board of the Euro Banking Association (EBA) has decided to initiate an open forum for banks, Fintechs and other stakeholders to exchange their views and experiences on the various issues related to implementing PSD2 and creating an Open Banking environment.

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EBAday 2016 attracts over 1,000 conference participants

07th June 2016

The flagship event of the Euro Banking Association and the publication of two EBA papers on Open Banking and cryptotechnologies contribute to the payments industry’s understanding of key change drivers

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Euro Banking Association confirms focus on open banking and regulatory changeover topics at Annual Ordinary General Meeting

07th June 2016

In a European payments landscape that is undergoing large-scale transformation, the Euro Banking Association (EBA) will continue to pursue its Thought Leadership, Knowledge & Research, Industry Dialogue and Networking & Education activities with the objective to support its members and the wider industry in embracing this transformation.

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Cross-industry initiative establishes Standard Definitions for Techniques of Supply Chain Finance

09th March 2016

A step ahead in the common understanding of terminology and techniques in supply chain finance

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FAQ to Standard Definitions for Techniques of Supply Chain Finance

Thomas Egner to take office as new Secretary General of the Euro Banking Association

18th November 2015

Gilbert Lichter will hand over the reins in the second quarter of 2016

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Euro Banking Association provides insights into highly topical issues impacting today’s and tomorrow’s electronic payments landscape

12th May 2015

An opinion paper on the Digital Customer Services Interface (DCSI) and an information paper on cryptotechnologies have been issued by the EBA’s Working Group on Electronic Alternative Payments.

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Open Forum on Pan-European Instant Payments successfully kicked off

31st March 2015

The Open Forum on Pan-European Instant Payments was successfully kicked off in Frankfurt yesterday, with 77 representatives from 55 payment service providers, technology providers and other stakeholders participating in the inaugural meeting. This new forum has been initiated by the EBA.

Press release: Successful launch of supplier-driven Open Forum on Pan-European Instant Payments

In German:
Wolfgang Ehrmann (Helaba) eröffnet Payments Konferenz der Euro Finance Week als neuer Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Euro Banking Association

19th November 2014

In seiner neuen Funktion als Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Euro Banking Association (EBA) eröffnet Wolfgang Ehrmann, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba), heute die Payments Konferenz der 17. Euro Finance Week in Frankfurt.

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Euro Banking Association appoints Wolfgang Ehrmann of Helaba as new Chairman

03rd November 2014

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) has announced the appointment of Wolfgang Ehrmann, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba), as Chairman of the Board of the EBA. Wolfgang Ehrmann took over the position on Friday, 31st October 2014, following his election by the EBA membership. He has already been a member of the EBA Board since 2010.

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SEPA Migration Action Round Table provides further guidance on the handling of SEPA R-transactions

30th September 2014

The SEPA Migration Action Round Table (SMART) has issued an extended and updated version of its SEPA Direct Debit R-transaction guide at the Sibos conference in Boston. Against the background that SEPA Direct Debits still witness higher reject and return rates than direct debits under the former national schemes in most European countries, the SMART group continues to provide clarification and recommendations to assist banks in their SDD exception-handling.

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Euro Banking Association working groups publish insightful research on Supply Chain Finance and alternative electronic payment markets

11th June 2014

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) has published recent results of its research and assessment work on Supply Chain Finance topics and alternative electronic payments. An updated SCF market guide as well as opinion papers on digital identity and user requirements for next generation electronic payments were issued for EBAday.

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SEPA Migration Action Round Table continues work on fine-tuning SEPA interbank practices

11th June 2014

The SEPA Migration Action Round Table (SMART) continues its work on clarifying, fine-tuning and, where necessary, defining interbank practices with a view to ensuring a smooth completion of SEPA migration across Europe. The group has published an extended and updated version of its paper Guidance on the handling of SDD R-transactions and related charging principles. Given the persisting issues that banks and their customers experience in the processing of SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) R-transactions, this topic will remain a central item on the agenda of this forum for banks and by banks beyond the end of the SEPA migration transition period on 1st August 2014.

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SEPA Migration Action Round Table issues practical guidance on SEPA Direct Debit exception handling

17th September 2013

The SEPA Migration Action Round Table (SMART) has published a guidance document providing explanations and best practices on the handling of SEPA Direct Debit-related R-transactions, i.e. rejects, refusals, returns, refunds, reversals, revocations and requests for cancellation. The key recommendations of Guidance on the handling of SDD R-transactions and related charging principles were presented at Sibos, SWIFT’s annual financial services event, during the expert panel session of the Euro Banking Association, “The future payments and transaction banking landscape”.

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Euro Banking Association issues market guide on Supply Chain Finance

21st May 2013

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) has published a comprehensive guide to the European supply chain finance market. Supply Chain Finance: EBA European Market Guide was presented to the European payments community at the conference and exhibition EBAday in Berlin. The EBA publication analyses current trends and characteristics in Supply Chain Finance.

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Euro Banking Association issues guide to SEPA Migration End-Date Regulation

15th May 2012

The Euro Banking Association (EBA) announced today the publication of its guide to the SEPA Migration End-Date Regulation. Banks Preparing for SEPA Migration was issued at the payments conference and exhibition EBAday in Edinburgh. It gives an overview of the key implications of the new Regulation, which entered into force in the European Union on 31stMarch 2012 and whose key requirements will need to be implemented by payment service providers across Europe over the next few years.

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Euro Banking Association and The Glenn Gould Foundation team up for Sibos 2011

19th September 2011

In a move drawing a direct link between the spirit of creativity and innovation at the heart of both modern finance and the arts, the Euro Banking Association has invited Canada’s Glenn Gould Foundation to be front and centre as part of the EBA Group exhibition stand at Sibos 2011. The display will include images of the legendary pianist and the actual prize sculpture created by Canadian artist Ruth Abernethy for presentation to laureates of The Glenn Gould Prize, the Foundation’s signature activity.

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